GSS Spotlight!

Darren Omoth


Student Intern

What is your education and professional background?

I have an Associates Degree in Computer Administration and Technology, as well as a B.A. in Geoscience with a Computer Science minor. Before joining GSS, I worked at several jobs in manufacturing. I also spent a summer doing GPS stream surveys, and another working as an assistant to a county surveyor.

What made you get into GIS? More specifically, how did you get to Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) in Winona?

One of our required classes for my Geoscience degree at Winona State was an Intro to GIS class. We used GIS in some of our later classes and I used GIS extensively for my senior capstone project. I first found out about the Saint Mary's M.S. GIS program when a professor from the program came to WSU to talk to our GIS class.

Explain briefly a project at GSS you've done that contributed to your overall knowledge and skillset.

Working on the Northwest MN NWI project has taught me a lot; everything from wetland types throughout Minnesota to using GIS tools to find answers. The team meetings we have help reinforce many of the ideas we learn about project management and teamwork.

How do you see GIS fitting into your future?

Moving forward, I would like to use GIS working in an environmental-related field. Seeing how important and prevalent spatial analytics are becoming, I think using GIS to help understand the world better will be both rewarding and satisfying.

Where can we find you outside of GSS?

When I'm not at work, I like to ride my bike and have recently started kayaking. I also enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter either at home or traveling. When I can, I like to visit science museums and old libraries.


GSS Spotlight!


Data Validation Fieldwork for the NW MN Mapping Team